Solar Heat Europe/IEA SHC Joint Industry Session: Solar Heat Market Segments: State of play and prospects to reach climate neutrality by 2050
Solar Heat Europe is delighted to invite you to join the industry session on Solar Heat Market Segments: State of play and prospects to reach climate neutrality by 2050.
This joint SHE/IEA SHC Industry session is open to all Eurosun participants free of charge and will provide concrete testimonials from industry experts and focus on the various market applications for solar heat namely; residential and tertiary buildings, but also district heating and industry. These “hands on” testimonials will be highly informative, complementary to the more research-oriented nature of the conference and will include panel sessions enabling interaction with the audience. The session is also organised in collaboration with Solar Hub, CRES and Sammler.
Important note: For external attendees not registered for EuroSun 2024, a special package deal has been arranged including networking events, lunch and attendance of the official conference dinner for 200 euros.
Registrations can be sent to info [at] and eurosun [at] prior to 23 August.
In case you have any question, please do not hesitate to reach out to info [at]
Please find the agenda here and below:
- Welcome by Moderator Alexandros Charalambides, Associate Professor, FMSACMS
- Key Market trends from 2024 Global Solar Heat Outlook Report, by Lucio Mesquita, Chair of IEA SHC
- The EU policy context, by Valérie Séjourné, Managing Director, Solar Heat Europe
Session 1: Solar heat for buildings
- Making solar heat mainstream on buildings: Learnings from the Cyprus industry, by Andreas Ioannides, President of the Cyprus Union of Solar Thermal Industrialists (EBHEK)
- An exporting sector: testimonial from a CEO from the Greek industry, Harry Michalopoulos, CEO, Sammler
- Promoting hybrid options: the case of PVT, Dr. Korbinian S. Kramer, Coordinator PVT, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
- PANEL DISCUSSION and Q&A with the audience with speakers above and Elsabet Nomonde Noma Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), member of the IEA SHC Task 66 “Solar Energy Buildings”
Session 2: Solar heat for industry and district heating networks
- Agri Food processing, by Daniel Neyer, Managing Director, Neyer-Brainworks
- Financing options for Large Scale projects: the Lactalis project by Francois-Xavier Sarda, Business Development Manager, New Heat
- SolarHub project: Solar solutions for agri-food and industrial applications by Dr Vasiliki DROSOU, Head of Solar Thermal Systems Department at CRES
- District heating opportunities, by Dimitrios Papageorgiou, Innovation Funding Manager, TVP Solar
- PANEL DISCUSSION and Q&A with the audience, with speakers above and Harry Michalopoulos (Solar Hub), Magdalena Berberich, Vice Executive Director Solites and member of the IEA SHC Task 68 Efficient Solar District Heating Systems
Conclusion by Valérie Séjourné, Managing Director, Solar Heat Europe