27. August


28. August


  • Wednesday, 28. August 2024
    9:00am to 9:45am

    Roadmap to 100% Renewable: The Case of Islands

    • Gianni Chianetta

    The speech builds on a vision of islands as ideal testbeds for the technical and economic feasibility of transitioning to fully renewable energy systems, in the context of a global goal of tripling renewable capacity by 2030. 



  • Wednesday, 28. August 2024
    9:45am to 10:30am

    Harnessing Venture Capital for Sustainable Energy Innovation

    • Yiannis Eftychiou

    This presentation will explore current trends in venture capital investment in the sustainable energy sectors, focusing on what investors seek in startups emerging from academia. The presentation will discuss ways academics can partner with…

29. August


  • Thursday, 29. August 2024
    9:00am to 10:15am

    Plenary Round Table Discussion: The Role of Solar towards a Green Transition

    • Prof. Phoebe Koundouri
    • Prof. Viktoria Martin
    • Dr. Andreas Poullikkas
    • Dr. Alexandros Charalambides

    During this roundtable discussion, Prof Koundouri, Prof Martin and Dr Poullikkas will shortly present their views on the role of solar towards a green transition. They will dive into what the EU envisages for 2050, on how this transition can be…