Roadmap to 100% Renewable: The Case of Islands
Wednesday, 28. August 2024
9:00 to 9:45am (EEST)
The Plenary Session duration is 0:45 hours.

Roadmap to 100% Renewable: The Case of Islands

The speech builds on a vision of islands as ideal testbeds for the technical and economic feasibility of transitioning to fully renewable energy systems, in the context of a global goal of tripling renewable capacity by 2030

The presentation will deep dive the methodology adopted and showcase the roadmaps identified for Curacao (Caribbean) and Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean). 

The session will close with a focus on the Mediterranean and the role of islands states, such as Cyprus, for an energy and climate diplomacy in the region to accelerate the transition to renewables aiming at a socio-economic development. On that regard the Mediterranean Dialogue for Sustainable Energy and Climate (MEDSEC), a multi-stakeholder platform recently established will be presented.


Gianni Chianetta

Gianni Chianetta is Founder & Chair at Greening the Islands Foundation.
He has been working in the area of energy since 2003. He has been Head of Comms & External Affairs at BP Italy, Managing Director at BP Solar Italy, Founder and Chairman of the first Italian Solar PV Industry Association for three consecutive terms when he negotiated the five Photovoltaic Energy Incentive Decrees (feed in-tariff) with the Italian Government, that has brought the installed capacity from about 35 MWp to more than 20 GWp.
Mr Chianetta founded the Global Network of National PV Associations in 2007, which has been the basis for the establishment in 2015 of Global Solar Council. He was elected Co-Chairman since its foundation and then Chairman before taking on the role of CEO until October 2023. He is now Member of the Board and Secretary of Global Solar Council.
He has been also member of the Steering Committee of the of the Global Renewables Alliance, IRENA Coalition for Action and Global Alliance for Sustainable Energy, Chairman of Worldwide Carbon Price and member of the Advisory Board at REN21.
He also chaired the National Committee for Solar Energy of the Italian Ministry of the Environment and was member of the Strategy Committee of Solar Power Europe.
Gianni Chianetta has a degree in Mechanical & Management Engineering and masters/seminars at Middlesex University (London), Kellogg School of Management (Chicago), SDA Bocconi Milano (Milan), Istituto de Empresa (Madrid).