Smartened Grids Serving Energy Communities for Optimal Multi Dispatch Energy Systems
Wednesday, 28. August 2024
4:45 to 5:15pm (EEST)
The Keynote duration is 0:30 hours.

Smartened Grids Serving Energy Communities for Optimal Multi Dispatch Energy Systems

This keynote presents the essential evolution of smart grids. The transformation of our electricity networks, enabled by digital technologies, is increasingly necessary. This transformation involves the use of sensors and software to better match the supply and demand of electricity in real-time, minimizing costs and maintaining the stability and reliability of the grid.

This keynote will examine automated systems and self-healing logic that are integral to the daily operations of these networks. These characteristics are essential for functionality and provide the operational versatility needed to achieve optimal use of emerging distributed resources.


Dr. Venizelos Efthymiou

Dr Venizelos Efthymiou worked for the Electricity Authority of Cyprus from March 1979 up to November 2013 and he left the Company from the post of Executive Manager Networks / Distribution System Operator of Cyprus. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the ETIP SNET, of ETIP PV, of the DSO committee of EURELECTRIC, of the Steering Committee of the SET Plan and of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee. He is the chairman of the Research Centre FOSS of the University of Cyprus. As representative of FOSS in the associations DERlab, EUREC, EERA AISBL and EERA JP4SG he is currently a member of the Executive Committee of EERA AISBL, the Management Board of EERA JP4SG and the Board of Directors of EUREC. Through his extensive experience in EAC, the close and continuous cooperation with the University of Cyprus but also through the active participation in the work of EURELECTRIC and the European Technology and Innovation Platforms of SNET and PV, he is the writer of many reports and papers of technical content in relevant scientific journals and conferences